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506 results

  • Metropolitan Region Scheme Minor Amendment 1320/57 - Western Power Omnibus 2

    The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) intends to amend the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) for land in the local government areas of Bassendean, Canning, Cockburn, Cottesloe, Fremantle, Gosnells, Joondalup, Kalamunda, Melville, Nedlands, Rockingham, Stirling, Swan, Victoria Park, Vincent and Wanneroo and is seeking public comment. The amendment proposes to reserve a number of sites owned by Western Power and containing electricity infrastructure to the appropriate... More
    Closed 30 June 2017
  • Draft Gascoyne Coast Sub-regional Strategy

    The Department of Planning has prepared the draft Gascoyne Coast Sub-regional Strategy for the Western Australian Planning Commission to provide a sub-regional context for land-use planning for the Gascoyne Coast to guide local planning processes, including the preparation of and amendments to local planning schemes and strategies. Its focus is on the land-use planning of the settlements of Carnarvon, Exmouth and Denham; and in particular, issues pertaining to their potential growth. The... More
    Closed 7 April 2017
  • Peel Region Scheme Amendment 043/57 - Lot 600 Lakes Road, Nambeelup transfer to industrial zone

    The Western Australian Planning Commission proposes to amend the Peel Region Scheme in relation to land at Lot 600 Lakes Road, Nambeelup and is seeking public comment. The purpose of the amendment is to transfer approximately 120 hectares in Nambeelup from the Rural zone to the Industrial zone in the Peel Region Scheme. The Western Australian Planning Commission hereby certifies that, in its opinion, the amendment does not constitute a substantial alteration to the Peel Region Scheme.... More
    Closed 31 March 2017
  • Greater Bunbury Region Scheme Minor Amendment 0044/57 - Department of Parks & Wildlife, 'Visitor Gateway' project, Koombana Drive, Bunbury

    The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) intends to amend the Greater Bunbury Region Scheme (GBRS) for land in the local government of the City of Bunbury and is seeking public comment. The purpose of this amendment proposal is to rationalise the GBRS zones and reservations at Lots 882, portion 883, portion 460 and portion 902, Koombana Drive, Bunbury to facilitate the proposed Department of Parks & Wildlife, 'Visitor Gateway' development. The proposal will see all of the land... More
    Closed 20 March 2017
  • Greater Bunbury Region Scheme Amendment 0047/57 - Lot 6238 Mitchell Road, Benger

    The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) intends to amend the Greater Bunbury Region Scheme for land in the local government of the Shire of Harvey and is seeking public comment. The purpose of this amendment proposal is to rezone Lot 6238 Mitchell Road, Benger from regional open space reservation to rural zone. The reservation appears to be a historical 'carry over' and is an error. The proposed rural zone would be consistent with the zoning of surrounding land. More
    Closed 13 March 2017
  • Greater Bunbury Region Scheme Amendment 0046/57 - Bunbury Airport Expansion offset and reservation anomaly, Lot 706 and 505 South Western Highway, Davenport

    The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) intends to amend the Greater Bunbury Region Scheme (GBRS) for land in the local government of the City of Bunbury and is seeking public comment. The purpose of this amendment proposal is to rationalise the GBRS zones and reservations of portion Lots 505 and 706 South Western Highway, Davenport to complete the necessary actions required to be undertaken by the City of Bunbury in regard to agreed Federal and State environmental offsets... More
    Closed 13 March 2017
  • Development Control Policy 4.3 – Planning for High-Pressure Gas Pipelines (DC 4.3)

    The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is seeking public comment on the new Development Control Policy 4.3 – Planning for High-Pressure Gas Pipelines (DC 4.3). It is intended that DC 4.3 will replace Planning Bulletin 87 – High-Pressure Gas Transmission Pipelines in the Perth Metropolitan Region. The documents include: A new Development Control policy providing guidance for planning near high-pressure gas pipelines across the State at all levels of the planning... More
    Closed 28 February 2017
  • MRS Amendment 1270/41 - Ocean Reef Marina Development

    Call for Public Submissions Metropolitan Region Scheme Major Amendment 1270/41 Ocean Reef Marina Redevelopment The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) intends to amend the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) for land in the local government of Joondalup and is seeking public comment. The amendment seeks to rationalise various zones and reserves in the MRS to facilitate the redevelopment of the existing Ocean Reef Marina Boat Harbour. Display locations Plans showing... More
    Closed 24 February 2017
  • Draft Bentley-Curtin Specialised Activity Centre Structure Plan

    The Department of Planning on behalf of the Western Australian Planning Commission is seeking comment on the draft Bentley-Curtin Specialised Activity Centre Structure Plan. The draft structure plan provides a strategic framework to guide planning, co-ordination and implementation of development within the Bentley-Curtin Specialised Activity Centre. More
    Closed 17 February 2017
  • Draft Picton Industrial Park Southern Precinct DSP

    The draft Picton Industrial Park Southern Precinct District Structure Plan (DSP) has been released for public comment. More
    Closed 10 February 2017
  • Greater Bunbury Region Scheme Policies

    The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is seeking public comment on the three draft documents for the Greater Bunbury Region Scheme. Floodplain Management Strategy Strategic Agricultural Resource Policy Strategic Minerals and Basic Raw Materials Resource Policy. The WAPC will consider all submissions received before the final documents are released. When making a submission, please: clearly state your opinion and the reasons for your... More
    Closed 8 February 2017
  • Draft State Planning Policy 1 State Planning Framework Policy (Variation 3)

    State Planning Policy 1 State Planning Framework Policy (SPP 1) brings together existing State and regional policies, strategies, plans and guidelines within a central State Planning Framework. It sets the context for decision-making on land use and development in Western Australia. SPP 1 provides a comprehensive list of all WA Planning Commission (WAPC) policies and outlines how they relate to each other to guide integrated decision-making across all levels of planning. It does not... More
    Closed 24 December 2016
  • Design WA – Stage One

    This consultation provides an opportunity for you to have your say about Design WA Stage One, including: Draft State Planning Policy 7 - Design of the Built Environment Draft Apartment Design policy (to replace Part 6 of the R-Codes) Draft Design Review Guide Design Skills Discussion Paper. Information you provide in your submission will be used to improve these draft documents. Your feedback may be used in a submission report that is made public however... More
    Closed 20 December 2016
  • Draft Wanju District Structure Plan

    The Department of Planning, on behalf of the Western Australian Planning Commission and the Shire of Dardanup, are seeking comment on the draft Wanju District Structure Plan. The draft Wanju District Structure Plan provides a strategic framework for the planning, assessment, coordination and implementation of future development initiatives across the Wanju area. More
    Closed 13 July 2016
  • Draft Swan Valley Development Plan

    The Department of Planning, on behalf of the Western Australian Planning Commission, developed the draft Swan Valley Development Plan to guide land use and development within the Swan Valley. The draft Swan Valley Development Plan establish the statutory controls and policy settings required to protect the Swan Valley from competing and incompatible land uses, and to guide the continued evolution of the Swan Valley into 'A world class food and beverage destination with exceptional... More
    Closed 31 January 2016
  • Ascot Kilns Design Workshop Nomination

    The Department of Planning is calling for expressions of interest from community members interested in attending a community design workshop for the Ascot Kilns project The workshop will be held on Saturday 13 February 2016, and will explore development scenarios for the site, including options for management and interpretation of the remaining kilns and stacks. To ensure balanced community representation, participants will be selected to: Represent a cross section of the... More
    Closed 18 January 2016
  • Liveable Neighbourhoods Review 2015

    Liveable Neighbourhoods is a Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) policy that guides structure planning and subdivision for greenfield and large brownfield (urban infill) sites in the Perth and Peel region and in regional WA centres. The WAPC has undertaken a review of Liveable Neighbourhoods and we'd like to get your views on the proposed changes. More
    Closed 13 November 2015
  • Bushfire accreditation survey - Level 1 BAL Assessor Training Course

    As a first stage, the Western Australian Bushfire Accreditation Framework will provide for the training and accreditation of people as Level 1 Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Assessors. They will be trained and accredited to: determine the appropriate BAL using Method 1 (simplified method) of Australian Standard AS 3959 as referenced in the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and provide general advice on the design construction... More
    Closed 25 September 2015
  • Perth and Peel@3.5million

    The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is seeking public comment on the draft Perth and Peel@3.5million suite of strategic land use documents which provides options to accommodate 3.5 million people by 2050. The suite consists of: the Perth and Peel@3.5million report that sets the planning context and provides a snapshot of where we are now and where we might be in the future four draft sub-regional planning frameworks for ... More
    Closed 31 July 2015
  • State Planning Policy 5.2

    The Western Australian Planning Commission is seeking comment on the draft revised State Planning Policy 5.2 Telecommunications Infrastructure. A survey conducted in July 2014 indicated that mobile data services were considered extremely important and the predominant concern amongst respondents was in regard to lack of coverage, especially in regional Western Australia. You can access the survey results here . It is advised that you read SPP 5.2 - Telecommunications Infrastructure ... More
    Closed 19 December 2014
  • Draft Burswood Peninsula District Structure Plan

    The Department of Planning, on behalf of the Western Australian Planning Commission, is seeking comment on the draft Burswood Peninsula District Structure Plan. The draft Burswood Peninsula District Structure Plan provides a strategic framework for the planning, assessment, coordination and implementation of major development initiatives across Burswood Peninsula. More
    Closed 25 November 2014
  • Planning and Development (Bushfire Risk Management) Regulations 2014

    The preparation of the draft regulations stems from the report, A Shared Responsibility: The Report of the Perth Hills Bushfire February 2011 Review (2011), prepared by Mick Keelty AO following the Perth Hills bushfires in February 2011. The report recommended that “The State Government give legislative effect to the Planning for Bush Fire Protection Guidelines (Ed 2, 2010)”. The proposed regulations respond to this recommendation and complement the recently-released draft State Planning... More
    Closed 31 October 2014
  • SPP 2.3 Jandakot Groundwater Protection Policy

    The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) recently released the revised draft State Planning Policy 2.3 - Jandakot Groundwater Protection (SPP 2.3) for public comment. To help in finalising the draft documents, this e-survey seeks to ascertain community and stakeholder views regarding the objectives and management measures proposed in the draft policy documents. This e-survey is offered as an alternative to the existing submission form on the revised SPP 2.3. SPP 2.3 should be... More
    Closed 10 October 2014
  • Hester Park Regional Revitalisation Project Master Plan

    The Hester Park Regional area covers the large area of parkland in Langford and Beckenham that runs along the Canning River between Nicholson Road, Spencer Road, Roe Highway and Kenwick Link (as shown in the map below). We are keen to hear how you use this space and any suggested improvements. The Department of Planning and City of Gosnells are working together to develop a Master Plan over this park to guide its revitalisation. A key component of the Master Plan is... More
    Closed 26 September 2014
  • Draft Planning for Bushfire Risk Management Guidelines

    The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) recently released draft State Planning Policy 3.7: Planning for Bushfire Risk Management and the revised supporting Guidelines for public comment. To help in finalising the draft documents, this e-survey is proposed to ascertain community and stakeholder views regarding bushfire management measures proposed in the draft policy documents. This e-survey will be offered as an alternative to the existing submission form... More
    Closed 1 August 2014
  • Telecommunications Infrastructure

    The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is reviewing the State Planning Policy 5.2 Telecommunications Infrastructure, and associated guidelines. This survey will help us gauge community and stakeholder views regarding the approval and location of telecommunications infrastructure, and will be used to inform the revised policy. Please note: there will be further opportunity to comment when the draft policy is advertised for public... More
    Closed 16 July 2014
506 results. Page 17 of 17