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506 results

  • Planning Reform Phase 2 Quick Consultation

    Busy? Have your say through our five-minute Quick Consultation. We have already done a lot to create great places for people, simplify the system and make it more efficient. New legislation, policies and regulations have significantly reduced red tape, removed barriers to development and addressed issues that the community asked us to fix. The Action Plan for Planning Reform has already resulted in major changes to the planning system – with a second phase of... More
    Closed 31 August 2021
  • Changes to the planning system

    This quick poll relates to your thoughts on changes to the planning system. More
    Closed 31 August 2021
  • Finding out about planning information.

    This quick poll relates to your thoughts on how easy it is to find planning information. More
    Closed 31 August 2021
  • Participation in local community development

    This quick poll relates to your thoughts on participating in the development of your local community. More
    Closed 31 August 2021
  • Perth size

    This quick poll relates to your thoughts on the size of Perth. More
    Closed 31 August 2021
  • Planning and development priorities

    This quick poll relates to your thoughts on planning and development priorities. More
    Closed 31 August 2021
  • Reducing red tape

    This quick poll relates to your thoughts on cutting red tape. More
    Closed 31 August 2021
  • Metropolitan Region Scheme Minor amendment 1381/57 - Pt Lots 9001, 9020 & 9035 Lyon Road, Wandi

    The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is seeking public comment on a proposal to amend the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) for land in the local government of Kwinana. The amendment proposes to transfer approximately 5.07 ha from the Rural-Water Protection zone to the Urban zone in the MRS. The proposed amendment is to facilitate future residential development, following a local scheme amendment, local structure planning and subdivision approval. ... More
    Closed 20 August 2021
  • Residential, Supermarket, Shops, Cafés/Restaurants, Liquor Store and Gym - Mosman Park

    Artist impression only. This consultation has closed. More information about this development application can be found on the DPLH website . The application proposes a development ranging from two to six storeys containing 76 apartments, seven townhouses, a supermarket, shops, restaurants/cafes, a liquor store and a gym. Address: 46 Manning Street, Mosman Park Local Government: Town of Mosman Park Value: $48.8 million More
    Closed 16 August 2021
  • Ellenbrook Station development application

    The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (on behalf of the Western Australian Planning Commission) is seeking public comment on the Ellenbrook Station Development Application. It proposes: an at-grade station building (including the station entrance and platform concourse) with typical station amenities a new bus interchange immediately north of the Ellenbrook Station a new shared / Principal Shared Path a dedicated passenger drop off area and a park and ride... More
    Closed 14 August 2021
  • Lakelands Station development application

    The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (on behalf of the Western Australian Planning Commission) is seeking public comment on the Lakelands Station Development Application. It proposes: Station entry building with pedestrian overpass connecting two marginal platforms set in an existing cutting with associated amenities including ticketing machine facilities, bicycle storage and toilets A mode-separated bus interchange facility with provision for 8 bus... More
    Closed 8 July 2021
  • Planning Engagement Toolkit

    As part of the Action Plan for Planning Reform, the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage has developed the draft Planning Engagement Toolkit to provide a set of practical tools for community engagement and consultation to facilitate meaningful, appropriate and active consultation and engagement, to support statutory requirements and good planning. This toolkit provides State Government agencies, local governments, planning and engagement professionals and applicants... More
    Closed 2 July 2021
  • Hotel Refurbishment and Apartments, East Fremantle

    Artist impression only. This consultation has closed. More information about this development application can be found on the DPLH website . The development application proposes restoration works and internal alterations to the Royal George Hotel and a nine storey apartment building with rooftop amenities. Address: 34 Duke Street, East Fremantle Local Government: Town of East Fremantle Value: $23.8 million More
    Closed 18 June 2021
  • 57 Hawker Avenue, Warwick – development application

    The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) has received a development application for a nine-unit multiple dwelling development on Lot 149 (No. 57) Hawker Avenue, Warwick. The proposal has been submitted by the Department of Communities and will be determined under Clause 28 of the Metropolitan Region Scheme by the WAPC. Documents 57 Hawker Ave Warwick - Landscaping Plan.pdf 57 Hawker Ave Warwick - Waste Management Plan.pdf 57 Hawker Ave Warwick - SPP... More
    Closed 17 June 2021
  • Heritage Amendment Regulations 2021

    The Heritage Act 2018 (Act) and the Heritage Regulations 2019 (Regulations) came into effect in July 2019. The Regulations adopted at this time were considered to be the minimum necessary for the functioning of the Act. Changes now proposed through the Heritage Amendment Regulations 2021 activate further provisions in the Act, and revise current regulations as recommended through the operation of the Act since its adoption. More
    Closed 17 June 2021
  • Guidelines for State Government Heritage Final Review

    The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (the Department) on behalf of the Heritage Council of Western Australia is seeking further comment on draft Guidelines for State Government Heritage assets. The Heritage Act 2018 highlighted the need for guidelines to assist State Government agencies to efficiently manage and conserve heritage assets and maintain up to date inventories. The draft guidelines can be viewed and downloaded here . This version of the guidelines was... More
    Closed 17 June 2021
  • Draft North Ellenbrook (East and West) District Structure Plans

    The draft North Ellenbrook (East) District Structure Plan and draft North Ellenbrook (West) District Structure Plan (DSP) will guide the strategic development of more than 1000 hectares of land in Perth’s northern suburbs. The draft DSPs provide a long-term vision for urban development in the City of Swan, covering some 1,110 hectares of land, to ultimately accommodate up to 30,000 people. They facilitate planning investigations in the North Ellenbrook Investigation area as... More
    Closed 8 June 2021
  • Stock feed grain mill, Bullsbrook – development application

    Artist impression only. This consultation has closed. More information about this development application can be found on the DPLH website . The development application proposes a stock feed grain mill incorporating two sheds for milling and packaging, administration building, grain silos and associated infrastructure, access and parking. Address: Lot 1780 Gaston Road, Bullsbrook Local Government: City of Swan Value: $24.7 million More
    Closed 4 June 2021
  • R-Codes Volume 1 Interim Review - Information Session

    The amendments to S tate Planning Policy 7.3 Residential Design Codes Volume 1 - commonly referred to as the R-Codes - have now been finalised and will commence operation on 2 July 2021. Information Sessions Information sessions are being organised to provide a briefing to all interested stakeholders about the upcoming changes. The changes are set to be introduced upon gazettal of the amendments on 2 July 2021, enabling a transition period to... More
    Closed 31 May 2021
  • Draft Swan Valley Planning Scheme - extended consultation

    Submissions are sought for the draft Swan Valley Planning Scheme for the area that has been defined by the Swan Valley Planning Bill 2020. The scheme has two elements available for download: Draft Swan Valley Scheme Text Draft Swan Valley Scheme Map The scheme is the centre of a new planning framework to guide future development in the region, protect long-term agricultural production in the Swan Valley and grow new tourism... More
    Closed 28 May 2021
  • Mixed Use Development, Como – development application

    Artist impression only. This consultation has closed. More information about this development application can be found on the DPLH website . The application proposes a development up to 15 storeys containing apartments, shops, offices, cafes, child care centre, medical and wellbeing consulting rooms, and church redevelopment. Address: 109-111 Robert Street and 469 and 471 Canning Highway, Como Local Government: City of South Perth Value: $107 million More
    Closed 21 May 2021
  • Apartments and Commercial Development, Tuart Hill – development application

    Artist impression only. This consultation has closed. More information about this development application can be found on the DPLH website . The development application proposes a 6 storey building with 68 apartments, 3 offices and associated car parking. Address: 10 Morley Drive, Tuart Hill Local Government: City of Stirling Value: $27.39 million More
    Closed 21 May 2021
  • Finalisation of Entry in the State Register of Heritage Places of both Thomson Bay Settlement and Oliver Hill Battery, Wadjemup/Rottnest Island

    Submissions are invited on the proposal to finalise registration for the following two places: Thomson Bay Settlement, Wadjemup/Rottnest Island Oliver Hill Battery, Wadjemup/Rottnest Island Thomson Bay Settlement and Oliver Hill Battery were both interim registered in 1992 under the former Heritage Act of Western Australia 1990 but were never finalised. The Heritage Act 2018, which came into effect on 1 July 2019, now requires the registration of these places to be... More
    Closed 17 May 2021
  • Wharf Extension and New Finger Wharf, Henderson – development application

    Artist impression only. This consultation has closed. More information about this development application can be found on the DPLH website . The development application proposes a wharf extension, finger wharf, land reclamation, dredging and associated works. Address: Lot 804 Quill Way and Lot 4552, Henderson Local Government: City of Cockburn Value: $102.8 Million More
    Closed 7 May 2021
  • Hotel, Offices and Shop, Fremantle – development application

    Artist impression only. This consultation has closed. More information about this development application can be found on the DPLH website . The development application proposes a six storey building with a 100 room hotel and associated facilities, two office tenancies, one office / shop tenancy, and associated car parking. Address: 65 South Terrace, Fremantle Local Government: City of Fremantle Value: $24m More
    Closed 30 April 2021
  • Apartments & Commercial (Cafe) Development, Cottesloe - Revised development application

    Artist impression only. This consultation has closed. More information about this development application can be found on the DPLH website . The revised proposal for an eight storey mixed use development includes 14 apartments, a commercial tenancy and basement parking. Address: 120 Marine Parade, Cottesloe Local Government: Town of Cottesloe Value: $21.3m More
    Closed 30 April 2021
  • Supermarket, Shops, Liquor Store, Child Care Centre and Gym, Dawesville – development application

    Artist impression only. This consultation has closed. More information about this development application can be found on the DPLH website . The development application proposes a supermarket, shops, liquor store, child care centre, gym and associated car parking. Address: 71 Dandaragan Drive, Dawesville Local Government: City of Mandurah Value: $19.425m More
    Closed 28 April 2021
  • Draft Operational Policy 1.11 - Community Schemes and draft Community Schemes Guidelines

    Community Titles Schemes are being introduced to Western Australia through the Community Titles Act 2018 (CT Act). A community scheme is a new form of tenure for land and buildings to facilitate more complex or mixed-use subdivision and development within a shared environment. The CT Act was assented to on 19 November 2018 and the draft Community Titles Regulations 2021 (the Regulations) was advertised from 9 November – 9 December 2020. To assist with the implementation of the... More
    Closed 27 April 2021
  • Aboriginal heritage assessment of ID 31739 (Kalgan River)

    Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 Notice of Assessment The Aboriginal Cultural Material Committee (ACMC) will assess Aboriginal heritage place ID 31739 , being the Kalgan River, as its meeting on 11 May 2021. The Kalgan River has importance and significance due to having mythological association with the Dreaming. Maps of Kalgan Property owners with land interests that adjoin or intersect any part of the Kalgan River are invited to provide comments that may... More
    Closed 27 April 2021
  • Draft Port Hedland West End Improvement Scheme Policy No. 1 – West End Precincts

    The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is seeking public comment on the draft Port Hedland West End Improvement Scheme Policy No. 1 – West End Precincts. The purpose of the improvement scheme policy is to guide land use and development within the West End of Port Hedland. It aims to assist in the implementation of the State Government response to the Port Hedland Dust Management Report to Government (2016) and will have regard to existing spatial arrangements of land uses.... More
    Closed 27 April 2021
506 results. Page 11 of 17