Roe 8 and Roe 9 Corridor Planning Study - Draft Concept Plan

Closed 20 Jan 2023

Opened 26 Oct 2022

Feedback updated 6 Jul 2023

We asked

For feedback on a draft concept plan showing potential zonings and land uses to inform future strategic planning for the Roe 8 and Roe 9 corridor.

You said

Over 400 submissions were received. The key themes raised in submissions included strong support for the re-purposing of the road corridor and protection of the environment, as well as the need to respect Aboriginal heritage and incorporate best-practice urban design principles for any future residential development. 

Please view the Roe 8– Roe 9 Planning Study Preliminary Engagement Summary Fact Sheet for more information.

We did

The outcomes of various technical reports, including an environmental assessment study, bushfire hazard level assessment and transport modelling advice from Main Roads Western Australia, and valuable stakeholder and community feedback have informed the preparation of a Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) amendment and revised indicative concept plan.  

The MRS amendment will be advertised for formal public consultation for a period of not less than three months.

Please refer to the Roe 8 and Roe 9 Corridor Planning Study webpage for the latest status.


A planning study for the Roe 8 and 9 corridor is underway to investigate the suitability for this area to be rezoned for other purposes under the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS). 

The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage prepared an informal draft concept plan for the corridor to show a potential mix of land uses that could be considered in the area.

The draft concept plan does not have any formal status or endorsement and will continue to evolve over time. It was designed to facilitate community engagement and feedback on potential land uses to inform the MRS amendment and future strategic planning for the area. Feedback on the draft concept plan officially closed on 20 January 2023.

A final land use plan is not required at this stage. Further detailed planning typically occurs through the local planning scheme amendment or following amendments to the local planning scheme via a structure plan. 

Feedback on land uses and facilities that could be accommodated within the identified area was encouraged through the comment period. 

Please read through the Frequently Asked Questions for more information. 


More Information

Why was the Planning Study initiated and how was the study area determined?

The permanent protection of the Beeliar Wetlands was secured when the State Government passed the Metropolitan Region Scheme (Beeliar Wetlands) Bill in 2021 reserving the Wetlands as ‘Parks and Recreation’, and assigning an A-Class conservation reserve, giving the Wetlands the highest level of environmental protection.

The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) is now investigating the remainder of the land within the corridor  reserved for primary regional road purposes. A consequence of the wetlands being protected is that the remainder of the regional road corridor, known as Roe 8 and Roe 9, no longer has a direct connection to the Kwinana Freeway.  

Portions of this remaining regional road corridor may be suitable for a range of purposes, such as conservation, residential, commercial, local open space and community purposes. A draft concept plan was developed to facilitate community engagement and to receive preliminary feedback on potential land uses to inform future strategic planning for the area. Feedback on the draft concept plan was welcomed from late October 2022 to 20 January 2023. 

This planning study area is restricted to the existing Primary Regional Road reserve. Although excluded from the planning study area, the surrounding land use context has been used to inform the draft concept plan. 

The concept plan does not have any formal status or endorsement and is expected to evolve in response to feedback. 

Preliminary feedback on the draft concept plan was used to inform the preparation of an amendment to the Metropolitan Region Scheme which will be accompanied by a revised indicative concept plan.

What is the Planning Study aiming to investigate and what is it trying to achieve?

The objectives of the planning study are to:

  • Understand the existing values and manner in which the area is currently used to inform longer-term land uses including revitalisation opportunities and potential improvements for the study area.
  • Facilitate appropriate land uses and development through a Metropolitan Regional Scheme amendment.
  • Replace portions of the existing Primary Regional Road reservation with more suitable classifications under the Metropolitan Regional Scheme to provide a framework for the local government to update its local planning framework. 

What potential purposes could the corridor land be rezoned or reserved for under the Metropolitan Region Scheme?

The Metropolitan Region Scheme defines the future use of land and provides the basis for planning in the Perth metropolitan region, dividing it into broad zones and reservations.

Potential zones and reserves for the corridor include:

  • Urban: areas in which a range of activities are undertaken, including residential, commercial, recreation, education, community purpose, local open space and light industry. 
  • Parks and Recreation: land of regional significance for ecological, recreation or landscape purposes
  • Primary Regional Roads: roads of regional significance in the planned road network which are currently, or proposed, to be declared under the Main Roads Act 1930.

What potential land uses and development could occur? 

The study area has the potential to accommodate a range of land uses. 

The concept plan provides an indication of potential land uses for the study area to serve the local community, as well as some potential modifications to the local road network. It gives preliminary consideration to sites of environmental and/or heritage value, as well as those with potential to support community/public purposes and residential redevelopment, providing opportunities for revitalisation.

There is currently no approved plans or funding for such development. It would be subject to further detailed planning and approvals, which would include public comment.

Why is some land within the corridor proposed to remain reserved for Primary Regional Roads purposes?

Portions along the corridor (such as the Stock Road intersection) are proposed to remain reserved as Primary Regional Road in the short-term to allow for a review of the detailed road designs and road requirements at key intersections by Main Roads Western Australia. These areas are likely to be subject to a separate and future Metropolitan Region Scheme amendment, subject to advice from Main Roads Western Australia.

Why is the whole corridor not being protected as a regional Parks and Recreation reserve? 

The Parks and Recreation classification is intended to reserve land of regional significance for ecological, recreation or landscape purposes. The draft concept plan recommends portions of the corridor for this class of reservation. 

Whilst some sites within the corridor are currently used for passive or active recreational uses, or may have some environmental value, many of these areas will be of local significance.  The Metropolitan Region Scheme Urban zoning allows for the local government to undertake further planning and apply a variety of reservations under their Local Planning Scheme. This includes local public open space and environmental conservation reservations.

There are also parts of the corridor that are being considered for community uses, public purposes and urban development, providing revitalisation opportunities across the suburbs of Hamilton Hill and Coolbellup.

The Metropolitan Region Scheme amendment,  accompanied by a revised concept plan has been prepared to account for the findings of the final Environmental Study (refer to question below), to reflect the regional and localised objectives of the Metropolitan Region Scheme and local planning scheme processes and in response to stakeholder and community feedback. 

What environmental investigations have been undertaken over the study area?

Environmental consultants were engaged to identify key environmental attributes of the area. Their report has been used to inform the preparation of an amendment to the Metropolitan Region Scheme and revisions to the indicative concept plan. A copy of the environmental study report will be made publicly available as part of the formal public consultation process on the Metropolitan Region Scheme amendment.

Formal public consultation on the Metropolitan Region Scheme amendment will occur after the Environmental Protection Authority has determined if the amendment should be assessed.

How does the concept plan or Metropolitan Region Scheme rezoning impact on registered heritage places?

Two sites of State heritage significance are located within the study area boundary, including part of the Clontarf Hill registered aboriginal heritage site and part of Randwick Stables. 

Importantly, the concept plan and Metropolitan Region Scheme amendment does not change the protection afforded to these sites under the relevant state heritage legislation. Consultation with Traditional Owners and the Stable’s representatives has been undertaken and ongoing engagement with these parties is expected as the project progresses. 

There are also several places of local heritage significance, as marked on the concept plan. 

How will the project impact on existing local roads within the study area?

No changes to the as-constructed road network will be undertaken through this planning study. Whilst the concept plan may provide an indicative and future proposed local road network, further investigation, planning and consultation will be required under the local planning framework prior to any modifications being undertaken. 

Any subsequent investigations at the local level are expected to include consideration of bicycle and pedestrian movement needs and urban streetscape design. This includes how to best incorporate the existing or an enhanced tree canopy along local roads, appropriate to the local context.

In the absence of the construction of an arterial road in the Roe 8 West and Roe 9 reservation, the capacity of the existing road network is expected to cater for future volumes arising from localised traffic only. 

What feedback was DPLH seeking?

Between October 2022 and January 2023, DPLH sought feedback on a draft concept plan intended to provide guidance for a Metropolitan Region Scheme amendment. 

The draft concept plan was displayed at the public drop-in sessions alongside related preliminary Metropolitan Region Scheme amendment maps and was also available online.  

We wanted to understand from the community what should be considered for the land within the corridor – what opportunities might be presented and what uses may benefit the local community? The draft concept plan was developed to aid these discussions and prompt feedback. 

A fine-grained, ultimate land use plan is not required at this stage; further detailed planning typically occurs following amendments to the local planning scheme.

How was feedback on the draft concept plan provided to DPLH? 

DPLH  engaged with a wide range of stakeholders, including landowners, community and advocacy groups, local governments and State government agencies on the draft concept plan and associated documents through: 

  • Meetings - comprised of joined up agency groups, stakeholder groups and one-on-one’s between September 2022 and January 2023 to gather information and views. 
  • Drop-In sessions - interested community members were invited via newspaper, website (DPLH and City of Cockurn), social media, targeted emails and landowner mail out to attend community drop in sessions, held at Memorial Hall, Hamilton Hill on 26 October, 29 October and 2 November 2022.  

Feedback on the draft concept plan was also able to be provided through the Department’s Consultation Hub from 26 October 2022 until 20 January 2023.

Further consultation will also occur through the Metropolitan Region Scheme amendment process, in accordance with the Planning and Development Act 2005.

What is the estimated timeframe for this planning work? 

An amendment to the Metropolitan Region Scheme, based on a revised indicative concept plan refined through previous preliminary community and stakeholder engagement, has been prepared and was initiated by the Western Australian Planning Commission at its meeting on 29 March 2023.

The amendment has now been referred to the Environmental Protection Authority.  Following receipt of advice from the Environmental Protection Authority, a formal and public consultation period will be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the Planning and Development Act 2005.

The Western Australian Planning Commission will provide a recommendation to the Minister for Planning, and in the case of a major amendment, the Minister will table the amendment in Parliament. 

A major amendment typically takes between 12-24 months. The process timeline is summarised in the below infographic.

What happens after the Metropolitan Region Scheme amendment?

Upon finalisation of the Metropolitan Region Scheme amendment, the City of Cockburn will need to amend its local planning scheme, as per the requirements of the Planning and Development Act 2005. The local planning scheme amendment process and/or a subsequent structure planning process will determine more specific local planning zones, reserves, land uses and potential improvements to the local movement network.

There will be further consultation and opportunities to provide feedback through the local planning scheme amendment process. 

Feedback received by DPLH on the Metropolitan Region Scheme amendment and revised indicative concept plan will be provided to the City of Cockburn to assist with the local planning scheme amendment process.  

Why your views matter

It is important that existing community interests, values and revitalisation opportunities for the study area are acknowledged to help inform further refinements to the draft concept plan.

The draft concept plan will inform a possible amendment to the MRS to support appropriate land uses and development through the local planning framework. If an amendment is proposed, it would be subject to review by the Environmental Protection Authority and further public consultation.


  • Department of Planning Lands and Heritage Perth


  • Residents
  • Business Operators
  • Land Owners
  • Community Organisations