Greater Bunbury Region Scheme Amendment 0046/57 - Bunbury Airport Expansion offset and reservation anomaly, Lot 706 and 505 South Western Highway, Davenport

Closed 13 Mar 2017

Opened 17 Jan 2017


The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) intends to amend the Greater Bunbury Region Scheme (GBRS) for land in the local government of the City of Bunbury and is seeking public comment.

The purpose of this amendment proposal is to rationalise the GBRS zones and reservations of portion Lots 505 and 706 South Western Highway, Davenport to complete the necessary actions required to be undertaken by the City of Bunbury in regard to agreed Federal and State environmental offsets associated with the expansion of the Bunbury Airport, and to rectify a minor mapping anomaly.



  • Residents
  • Business Operators
  • Land Owners
  • Community Organisations