Consistent Local Planning Schemes - Consultation

Closed 26 May 2023

Opened 14 Apr 2023


The Action Plan for Planning Reform (Action Plan) includes goals, initiatives and actions aimed at making local planning schemes more consistent and legible, and improving associated guidance. To achieve these objectives, work to improve the consistency of the use of land use terms (and associated definitions), zones, and reserves in local planning schemes across the State, and land use permissibility and development requirements in commercial1 and industrial2 type zones in the Perth and Peel region scheme areas has been undertaken. 

A report for Stakeholder Consultation Report has been prepared. This report provides key project and background information, the changes recommended to bring greater consistency across local planning schemes, and a recommended approach to implementation. The proposals include: 

  • Changes to land use terms (and definitions) to apply to all local planning schemes State-wide,
  • Changes to zones and reserves (and objectives) to apply to all local planning schemes State-wide,
  • Standardised land use permissibility for commercial1 and industrial2 type zones, to apply to local planning schemes within the Perth and Peel region areas only. 
  • An approach for development requirements for commercial1 and industrial2 type zones, to apply to local governments within the Perth and Peel region areas only. 

The recommended approach for implementation is presented as a series of short term and long term actions, and includes proposed changes to Schedule 1 – Model Provisions for Local Planning Schemes (Model Provisions) and Schedule 2 – Deemed Provisions for Local Planning Schemes (Deemed Provisions) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations, 2015 (Regulations), the development of local planning scheme guidelines, and the development of an industrial code, in addition to other implementation actions aimed at improving consistency of local planning schemes.


  • 1Commercial type zones includes Local Centre, Neighbourhood Centre, Centre, Mixed Use and Service Commercial zones, as proposed. 
  • 2Industrial type zones includes Light Industry, General Industry and Rural Enterprise zones, as proposed.


Why your views matter

The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage requests your comment on the principles for proposed changes and implementation actions aimed at improving the consistency of local planning schemes across the State. These proposals relate to land use terms and definitions, zones and reserves, and land use permissibility for commercial and industrial type zones in the Perth and Peel regions and  are open for comment until midnight, 26 May 2023. These proposed changes will inform future changes to the Regulations, which will be the subject of a future consultation exercise. The following Feedback Form is provided to guide a detailed submission.

This Feedback Form has been prepared in six (6) parts. Please include your feedback about:

  • The proposed changes to land use terms (and associated definitions) in Part A,
  • The proposed changes to zones and reserves (and associated objectives) in Part B, 
  • The proposed changes to land use permissibility for commercial1 and industrial2 type zones in the metropolitan Perth and Peel region scheme areas in Part C, 
  • The proposed development requirements for commercial1 and industrial2 type zones in the metropolitan Perth and Peel region scheme areas in Part D, 
  • The recommended approach for implementation in Part E, and 
  • Any other feedback in Part F.


  • WA state-wide


  • Development and Construction Industry
  • Peak Bodies
  • Planning and Design Industry