Swan Valley Planning Scheme No. 1 – Draft Fencing and Walls Policy

Closed 5 May 2024

Opened 23 Feb 2024

Results expected 6 May 2024

Feedback expected 31 Jul 2024


The Department of Planning Lands and Heritage is seeking comment from affected stakeholders for a proposed draft fencing and walls policy for the Swan Valley. 

The policy has been prepared in response to limited guidance and development standards regarding fencing and walls currently listed in the Swan Valley Planning Scheme No. 1 and will be the guiding planning document for fencing within the affected area.

The policy is proposed to provide guidance for:

  • Identifying the types of fencing and walls that are suitable within the Swan Valley Planning Scheme Area.
  • Establishing development standards for fencing, walls and entry statements in order to protect and enhance the rural character of the Swan Valley.

Key issues for consideration are:

  • Does the policy criteria listed in the draft fencing and walls policy adequately contribute towards the desired rural character of the Swan Valley?
  • Are there any inconsistencies with the policy criteria listed?
  • Are there any amendments to the draft fencing and walls policy that the public would like the department to consider?

Why your views matter

Why is this being advertised by DPLH?

This is a draft fencing and walls policy that relates to prospective fencing within the Swan Valley Planning Scheme No. 1 area which is under the control of the Department.

Who is the applicant for this development and who is the owner of the site?

The draft fencing policy is being advertised by the Swan Valley planning team.

Has there been any community consultation on this project already?

No in-depth community consultation has taken place on this issue to date.

What are the elements of the development that I am able to influence?

When advertising is completed, an officer level recommendation will be presented to the Swan Valley Planning Committee (SVPC) who in turn will consider the advice and consultation results, prior to making a resolution.

What is the process for this development to be determined?

  • Step one: policy advertised.
  • Step two: submissions considered.
  • Step three: report to SVPC compiled and presented for consideration.



  • Metropolitan South East


  • Residents
  • Business Operators
  • Land Owners
  • Community Organisations


  • Local Planning Policies