Nicholson Road Station Development Application

Closed 23 Dec 2020

Opened 10 Dec 2020


The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (on behalf of the Western Australian Planning Commission) is seeking public comment on the Nicholson Road Station Development Application that proposes:

  • a new station comprising a ground-level concourse and station building with a station entry on the south of the rail line and a pedestrian overpass to an island platform;
  • a new bus interchange facility and bicycle parking infrastructure;
  • a new road network to provide access to the station and bus interchange;
  • a dedicated passenger drop off area and a park and ride facility with approximately 1000 bays.

The Thornlie-Cockburn Link will connect the Mandurah and Armadale/Thornlie lines, making travel around the city by train more flexible and providing a higher level of public transport service to Perth’s southern suburbs. The Thornlie-Cockburn Link aims to:

  • provide an improved transport alternative to private vehicle transport in the South Metropolitan Peel sub-region to increase connectivity of the network
  • address public transport service gaps that exist between the existing rail corridors in the South Metropolitan Peel sub-region; and
  • alleviate current and future capacity pressures on the existing rail network and surrounding road network in the South Metropolitan Peel sub-region.

In December 2019 the NEWest Alliance was announced as the successful Alliance to deliver the Thornlie Cockburn Link.

Why your views matter

Your answers will help us to understand the views of the Perth community on the Nicholson Road Station Development Application.

When making a submission please:

  • include the section or page number you are referring to
  • clearly state your opinion and the reasons for your opinion
  • outline alternatives or solutions to your area of interest; and
  • provide any additional information to support your comments. 


  • Metropolitan South West


  • Residents
  • Business Operators
  • Land Owners
  • Community Organisations