Swan Valley Planning Area - Amended Development Application - Proposed Agriculture - Intensive and Industry - Primary Production and associated incidental infrastructure- Lot 9 (No.5531) West Swan Road, West Swan - 21 -50655 - 1

Closes 3 Jul 2024

Opened 19 Jun 2024


The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is seeking public comment on Proposed Agriculture - Intensive and Industry - Primary Production and associated incidental infrastructure in the Swan Valley planning area. 

The proposal applies to Lot 9 (No.5531) West Swan Road, West Swan.

The amended proposal seeks approval for an orchard to grow Jujubes (Chinese date trees) and the production of speciality mushroom varieties in two greenhouses.

On 6 December 2022, the Swan Valley Statutory Planning Committee resolved to refuse an application for development approval at Lot 9 (No. 5531) West Swan Road, West Swan which proposed an orchard to produce Jujubes, mushroom production, a cafe/restaurant and supporting infrastructure. 

Subsequent to this decision, the applicant applied to the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) for a review of the refusal. Mediation has occurred at the SAT in accordance with SAT processes.

Following this, an amended proposal has been lodged which now only seeks approval for the Agriculture - Intensive (Jujube orchard) and Industry - Primary Production (mushroom production) land uses. Aspects forming part of the refused application, including the cafe/restaurant, car parking in the front setback area, children's play equipment and wastewater re-use for irrigation purposes no longer form part of the amended proposal.

The Jujubes are proposed to be irrigated via an available groundwater allocation and the use of scheme water is proposed for the mushroom production.

Comment is now sought on the amended proposal given the significant modifications to the proposal that has occurred through the SAT process since the proposal was previously advertised by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage in April 2022.

In accordance with SAT orders, the Swan Valley Statutory Planning Committee (on behalf of the Western Australian Planning Commission) is to reconsider its refusal decision before 14th August 2024.


Key documents

Frequently asked questions

Why is this application being advertised by DPLH?

The Swan Valley Planning area is in the control of the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC). Any development within this area requires a Development Application which is lodged with the DPLH on behalf of the WAPC.

Who is the applicant for this development and who is the owner of the site?

The applicant is Urbanista Town Planning and the owner of the site is Jesuome Australia Pty Ltd

What is the value of the development?


What is the role of the City of Swan?

Because this land is under the control of the WAPC, the City of Swan is consulted as a stakeholder.

Has there been any community consultation on this project already?

Yes, a previous version of this proposal was previously advertised in April 2022.

What are the elements of the development that I am able to influence?

As part of the consultation, the WAPC is seeking feedback from anyone who would like to provide comments.

What is the process for this development to be determined?

In accordance with State Administrative Tribunal orders, the WAPC is invited to reconsider its original decision (of 6 December 2022) by 14th August 2024


Please provide your feedback


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